FAQ - Personal Injury

Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Injury Cases

Here are some of the questions I am most frequently asked as a personal injury and workers' compensation lawyer serving clients in southeastern Massachusetts over the past 30 years.

I've been injured – now what?

Go see your doctor, first. Your injuries should be taken care of before you even consider making a claim against someone for causing them. Make sure your health is being taken care of first. Keep any information from this appointment - good records of your injury and your treatments are vital for your case, if you decide to pursue that course of action. Then call us and we can schedule your free consultation.

How long can I wait before I file a claim for my personal injury?

You really should seek help with your claim immediately. But, depending on the state you're in, most lawsuits must be filed within three years of the accident. Call us for assistance and an assessment of your case.

A giant commercial truck hit me. What can I do?

Large trucking companies have teams of lawyers at the ready to help them get out of paying you for the damage their driver caused you. You need to call us to help you get what you deserve from the company for your injuries, pain and suffering, the damage to your vehicle, and for any other injuries of the people riding in your car with you.

If I get hurt on the job, what should I do?

You should immediately tell your supervisor or someone in your HR department, and then get help with your injuries. It's imperative that you file the accident with your work, or you may be denied any disability or worker's compensation benefits for your injuries. We can help you file your worker's compensation documents according to your company's guidelines. If you already applied and were turned down for your benefits, give us a call to get your case assessed. We'll help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries on the job.

Where are you located, and what areas do you serve?

We are located at 228 County Street, Attleboro, Massachusetts, and proudly serve the Southeastern Massachusetts and the surrounding areas.

Free Attorney Consultation

Contact me, attorney Dennis Bisio, to schedule a free initial consultation about your case. In-home, evening and weekend appointments are available.